Jessica Bruzzaniti
Jessica Bruzzaniti

Create! Magazine is thrilled to announce the finalists for our online exhibition in collaboration with PxP Contemporary, Unleashing Magic.

All selected work will be on display online after September 15th – November 30th, but the exhibition will be archived and available to view past these dates as well. Stay tuned for the official launch coming soon!


Ekaterina Popova: Artist, Curator, Mentor, Editor and Founder of Create! Magazine, host of Art & Cocktails Podcast

Alicia Puig: CEO of PxP Contemporary, Curator, Writer, Art Historian, and Director of Business Operations at Create! Magazine

Shelby McFadden: Artist, Designer, and Editor of Pikchur Magazine

Christina Nafziger: Arts Writer, Journalist, and Gallery Assistant

Zoë Goetzmann: Arts Writer

Exhibiting Artists

Paul Anagnostopoulos

Kiki Aranita

Anuradha Bhaumick

Akihiro Boujoh

Twiggy Boyer

Mills Brown

Jessica Bruzzaniti

Tiffany Budzisz

Jordan Buschur

Ashley Cecil

Giorgio Celin

Kaley Flowers

Bushra Gill

Claira Heitzenrater

Emma Hill

Austin Howlett

Shaunna Hubbard

Timothy Patrick Hutto

Katy Itter

Polly Jones

Kimberly Kaiser

Melanie Kambhampati

Joseph Kameen

David Krovblit

Anton Kuehnhackl

Erin McGean

Sophie Najjar

Sheila Nicolin

Carolyn Oberst

Sally Podmore

Vivian Rashotte

Eleanor Sabin

Jennifer Small

Meghan Spence

Arielle Tesoriero

Aaron Troyer

Caroline Wayne