In this episode, Ekaterina Popova connects with the multi-talented artist, musician, and small-business owner of The Good Company, Misha Cook.
We talk about the challenges of running a small product-based business, how to trust your instincts and create whatever you want, and not worry about what other people think.
Misha is a Seattle and Montana-based multimedia artist and small business owner. Her work has a wide range and is mood dependent, whether it is ink drawings over morning coffee, illustrations, music, photography & creating products for her business. A true perfectionist, a hunger to succeed, and blissfully unbothered by others' opinions, Misha stays true to herself and, in doing that, hopes to evoke emotion, creativity, and individuality for viewers. Who says you can only be one thing?
She is the sole maker and owner of The Good Company. A completely handcrafted candle company that offers non-toxic and high-quality ingredients. What started out as a personal search for a product that she could trust in, emerged a full-fledged obsession and commitment to create products that would really deliver and that would look good while doing it. You can find her candles, artwork, botanical diffusers, hair + body oils, sugar scrubs, mustache waxes, and more at WEARETHEGOODCOMPANY.COM. Never stop creating & believe in yourself wholeheartedly.
Follow on Instagram: @michacook_
Listen to this episode of The Create! Podcast on iTunes, Spotify and more!

