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My research explores features and uniqueness of a person. Of the identity. Identity as a body that acts from mediator between us an the world.

My idea of "Sanctuary" consists in the interaction between me and my works and between me and the people I love, who are the main subjects of my works, in all their complexity. The comparison and exchange become the main engine of my research and poetic.

We are facing a very difficult moment in history, so probably the idea of sanctuary will take different forms and spaces.

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I was born in Rome on July 2, 1987.

I attended the artistic high school in via Ripetta, with the good fortune to attend the class of the artist Cesare Tacchi, a fundamental figure for my artistic training.
In 2011 I graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, a city in
which I am currently living and working.

Past Exhibithions:

6-12 Aprile 2017 - “Fuori Manzo Fuori Tutto”, group show at the Galleria Cesare
Manzo, Pescara.
3-20 Marzo 2018 - “Savebiennale”- group show at the Museum of Modern Art

Vittoria Colonna, Pescara, Italy.
9-16 Maggio 2018- “Habitus”- solo exhibition at Senape Vivaio Urbano ,Bologna.

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