“Color makes me Happy ~ I breathe deeper and my heart expands in the presence of color and organic shapes."
While I often despair at the state of the world, and sometimes make paintings that express those feelings, I try to “be here now” and am filled awe and wonder at the natural world that I have the good fortune to live within.
My work is movement based, exploring color and shape as energy and vibration. Literally moved by nature, my paintings are created when gestures express themselves with pigment. I love being enveloped by a painting, standing so close to it your eyes see nothing but color. I invite you to get up close and personal with them as well. Many of the paintings are begun on on the floor, then moved to the wall. Sometimes they’re turned upside down and put back on the floor, as you might see something walking or riding by, from more than one perspective. Several paintings created outdoors were begun on the ground, then draped over rock formations or leaned against the back of a truck. While some pieces have an obvious top, many can be hung vertically or horizontally. I like the playfulness of looking at them multiple ways and being open to surprise.
The last few years I’ve had time and space to create larger works with more freedom and gestural markmaking. I love the feeling of being strong and free in my body, so I usually paint after moving, often with a long stick found in the forest, or after biking or walking through the organic shapes of trees or rocks. I study the ever-changing glints of color reflected in water. I try to discern the colors held deep within trees, plants and flowers, looking for the colors that make up the colors that we see.
Nancy Natow-Cassidy grew up in and outside Detroit, soaking up the Motown vibes. She moved to Chicago after receiving her BFA in Painting and studying Modern Dance at University of Michigan and Michigan State University. She worked for several years as a graphic designer and painted and danced in Chicago, eventually becoming a prop stylist for advertising photography while continuing to paint. The last several years her work has gotten larger and bolder.
