Before becoming a resident of Santa Paula, Lisa spent most of her working career in Los Angeles upon graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).  

Born and raised outside Boston, her family moved to the city after spending four adventurous years abroad. While living in Paris and Geneva she learned French and German, visited art museums, played “jeu de billes” and ate crêpes suzette, escargots and chocolate marmite. Her family then moved to Israel, where she learned Hebrew and Arabic and toured many archeological and religious sites.

After returning to the U.S., where she attended high school, Lisa enrolled in RISD’s painting program. At the time, she had no idea she would switch her major to architecture. She’s led an illustrious career as an architect, construction manager and entrepreneur. Fortunately, she now has the time, resources and health to return to her painterly roots.  

The Impressionist period has always been her favorite. Lisa was likely heavily influenced by the French Impressionists while living in Paris. An image can be captured in a photograph, but for her, the mood of the moment is best expressed with collage and soft pastels.

During a weekly live model studio session one of the artists descried her work as music; another commented on the energy that emanates from the surface.  

Instagram: @sachs_lisa

Original Art by Lisa Sachs
Original Art by Lisa Sachs
Original Art by Lisa Sachs
Lisa Sachs