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I am predominantly a plein air painter. I love nothing more than painting in the outdoors, creating a direct and spontaneous response to the environment. When the weather doesn’t suit it, I work in my studio on still life and portraits. 

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Tell us about the beginning of your artistic career.

I had my first solo exhibition at the Bondi Pavillion Gallery. It was exciting and terrifying all at once. However, the response to my work was positive and it gave me the confidence to continue.

It looks like you paint outside as well as in the studio. Can you tell us about your process?

My preferred process of painting is en plain air. I usually arrive at my studio about 8:30am, pack all my painting gear and drive to a destination of choice. By about 10:30am, I am usually painting. I work into the afternoon. The hard part is getting the work back to my studio undamaged. I have racks in the back of my car so that the paint is not disrupted. Once I have unloaded back at the studio, I then return home to relax and recover. Plein air painting is very physically tiring but so worth it.

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The texture in your work is stunning! How do you apply your paint to the canvas?

I use a palette knife so it is easy to load more paint onto the canvas. This was never a conscious decision, however, it just evolved to where it is now. Heavily textured!

What do you hope the viewer takes away from your work?

I hope the viewer is able to find a connection with my work in the same way that I am connecting to my subject during the time of creation. 

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on plein air paintings that respond to the water mostly. I am interested in the beaches and harbour. Working and recreational life connected to these subjects.

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