Painting by Taylor Mouroufas


Taylor Mouroufas is a 24 year old self taught realism artist born, raised, and based in Sacramento, California. Since she was a very young girl, she always knew that creating was what she was created to do. Art has always been who she is, who she was, and who she will continue to be. Becoming a full time artist has been her lifelong dream. Since the conception and launch of her brand Taylor Mouroufas Fine Art in January 2022, she has since been accepted into her well known local art gallery and has achieved awards in local art shows.

Painting by Taylor Mouroufas


Taylor creates realistic artwork that invokes a sense of wonder and emotion in all who view it. From spectacular landscapes, cloudscapes, and crashing ocean waves frozen in time to portraits of people and animals, her work isn't bound to a certain niche subject. She creates everything for anyone, because art is for everyone. Her years of self taught study and practice in the style of realism has allowed her to create art that captivates the eye. No matter what subject, she strives to bring a level of realism that invigorates the senses which further entices emotion to come forth.  One of her favorite Bible verses is the foundation for her artwork and that is 1 Peter 4:10. "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Painting by Taylor Mouroufas

What continues to motivate you to create your work?

There are multiple factors that fuel my motivation even through seasons of burnout. My drive and passion for art and creation continually pushes me to practice more and more and to create even better works than before. Growing as an artist is a journey with hills and valleys. The constant through it all is that I believe my purpose is to create art. Serving God's people through my work is what I was put on this Earth to do!   

Painting by Taylor Mouroufas

Who or what influences your practice?

I'm inspired by so many artists since I have a wide range of subjects I enjoy painting. Rosie Rowell is one of my favorite ocean painters, Mark Maggiori and Layne Johnson are masters of landscapes and clouds, and Lisa Cornwell is an incredibly talented realism artist I feel I can relate to not only as an artist but on a personal level. Finding community and artists with my similar niches via social media such as Instagram and TikTok has been a huge part of my growth as an artist and I owe it to these artists as well as so many more. But if I had to name my biggest inspiration, it would be my wonderful husband, Chris. He is also an artist (a vastly talented one!) and he is the most encouraging person who truly understands the ups and downs of creating art. He challenges me and helps me flourish as a woman and as an artist. I'm so grateful for him!

Painting by Taylor Mouroufas

How would you describe the mood of your work?

No matter what subjects I paint, I intend to invoke powerful feelings. For instance, my seascapes range from moods of gentle calmness shown through pastel sunsets and peaceful waves to moody and mysterious vibes through crashing waves and darker colors.    

What do you feel is the most challenging part of being an artist?

The most challenging part of being an artist is actually the internal battles you fight on a daily basis. I've learned over my years of practice to conquer feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome. But even to this day there's a need to be better and better with every painting. Each painting must be a masterpiece or it's not good enough. I'm incredibly humble when it comes to my work, probably too much and it most likely hinders me. I find it difficult to feel good about my work and that it's "good" like other people say. But at the end of the day, my worth and my work I've spent years of self-taught practice perfecting isn't contingent on my wavering feelings. That is what makes even the difficult times bearable.   

Painting by Taylor Mouroufas

Tell us about something from your creative life that you are particularly proud of.

I am simply proud that I have come this far in my artistic career, that I've taken the leap to grow my career and that I'm working very hard to achieve my goals. I only started pursuing my dream of being a full-time artist in January 2022 and I've already been accepted into a gallery for the first time and I've achieved 1st place in a local juried art show for Best Oil Painting. I'm proud of my hard work, proud of my growth, and I cannot wait to see how far I'll go.

Painting by Taylor Mouroufas
Painting by Taylor Mouroufas
Taylor Mouroufas