Perry considers herself an illustrative realist painter. She started using oil paint in the early 2000’s while getting her BFA in Illustration from Ringling College of Art & Design. She honed her skills and found direction while getting her Master of Arts at Savannah College of Art and Design. Now she continues to deepen her own understanding of visual communication as an instructor at Ringling College of Art & Design, State College of Florida, and Tampa Museum of Art. Despite beginning her training as a professional artist in high school, she feels she is finally understanding her true artistic voice now in her thirties. She works out of a studio in an artist enclave which she shares with her wife and 3 cats. Her recent work is focused on seeing the beauty and magic in visions others might overlook.

Flora, Fauna, & Femme Fatales precisely painted with the finesse of a witch crafting a spell, creating illusions and tiny portable worlds.
Perry uses her skills with oil paint to communicate the joys and pains of life with beautiful precision. She expresses her vision through saturated colors and bold lighting. She often creates compositions that focus on a strong, central, female figure. Each of these pieces feature the ideas of growth, cycles, change, and transformation.

