
Leah Guzman is a professional artist and Board Certified Art Therapist. Leah is a mixed media painter whose style is contemporary, symbolic, and spirited in nature.

Her mission is to offer the gift of creativity to others as a way to heal and manifest their most authentic self and best life. She provides online art therapy sessions supporting creative individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Her signature course, Art of Healing and Manifesting, teaches the tools to align your energy to attract desires. She incorporates a holistic approach to up-level every area of your life. Her most recent best seller book is, “Essential Art Therapy Exercises”.

What is one thing you’d like our readers to know about you?

I support creatives with healing and manifesting their desires utilizing art media through art therapy services and coaching. Many creatives need support for managing their emotions and developing a self-care practice in their life. I'm honored to have the opportunity to share the love of art and teach the skills to use your art as a visual language to express your emotions. In order for us to manifest what we want in our lives, we have to energetically get aligned with the desire. I see art as my superpower. Art is a guide for healing and is also a tool to manifest our desired life.

I've written three art therapy books. My newest book is, "The Art of Healing and Manifesting". My last best-selling book was "Essential Art Therapy Exercises: Effective Techniques to Manage Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD" and a children's book, "Rad is Smad".

What is your biggest source of inspiration?

My source of inspiration comes from my family and feeling good. I want the best for them and I know that it will only happen if I'm showing up as my best as well. So, I prioritize my self-care. Taking time to be in nature, connecting with Source energy, meditation, and journaling are all a part of the love that goes into my paintings. The symbolism of the birds is about connecting with Source. 

Why do you create and how has your art practice affected your life?

I create for my own happiness and mental well-being. I've been an artist all my life. Art has been there in the darkest and the lightest times in my life. However, there have been periods where I let me practice go. For example, when I had my two children and was knee deep in practicing art therapy. I didn't give myself space to nurture my art-making and my emotional wellbeing suffered. I would say it was my dark night of the soul. It made me realize that I need my art to feel balanced. I'm so grateful that it has been an instrument to step into my highest self and guide others to do the same.