Congratulations to the artists selected by our guest curators the TAX Collection for the February/March 2018 edition.

The TAX Collection is a New York based multi-media platform for artists, galleries and creatives. The organization has been featured in Forbes, Vogue Italy, Nylon Korea and more.

"The TAX Collection is a multi-modal creative platform aimed at revolutionizing the way popular culture interacts within producer-consumer, artist-audience, and creator-user relationships. Culture stagnates around specific icons and imagery for no apparent reason; it simply just does. The general public has been duped, allowing themselves to be misled into subscribing to industry set standards and trends. Durkheim explains that anything can be considered sacred through the act of setting it apart. We pose the rhetorical question, ‘Who says?’ Sacred things are not set apart because they are special; sacred things are special because they are set apart. Just as in popular culture, trends dominate consumer desire and, in turn, creators and artists are tailored to design what the consumer considers trendy - stifling artistic freedom of expression."

Issue 8 Contents


Romily Alice

Cracking Art

Brooke Didonato

Ben Evans

Jessie Makinson

Emma Repp

Pierre Schmidt


Nes Vuckovic

Highlight Artists

Zaria Foreman

Lisa Ostapinski

Section Curated by The Tax Collection

Whitney Babin

Chloe Bennett

Lily Brown

Kayla Buium

Taylor Cox

Kelly Crabtree

Julie Crews

Tavin Davis

Diana Dzene

Tucker Eason

Heather Gauthier

Lisa Golightly

Zoe Hawk

Patty Horing

Dan Huston

Haein Jeong

Yuko Kyutoku

Katelyn Ledford

A.e. Mabry

Stephen Mangum

Mark Mann

Jenna Mcnair

Mychaelyn Michalec

Jennifer Nieuwland

Emanuel Pavao

Anne Plaisance

Gary Plummer

Kris Rehring

Jette Reinert

Eric Rodriguez

Jaime Scott

Jordan Segal

Lucas Stiegman

Martin Swift

Stefanie Thiele

Kirsten Valentine

Andre Veloux

(Header image by Jordan Segal)