Congratulations to the following artists selected by Christopher Jobson, Founder of Colossal, for Issue #24!
We are so grateful for everyone who participated and excited to publish, promote, and share your incredible art with the world.
We expect to launch this issue by February 27, 2021.
Thank you for all your support, and once again, congratulations!
Sandra Apperloo
Bryane Broadie
Annette Bukovinsky
Patty Carroll
Cécile Davidovici & David Ctiborsky
Erik Ebeling
Regina Fleming
Erik Fremstad
Dylan Arthur Gebbia-richards
Yurim Gough
Cara Guri
Line Holtegaard
Greg Klassen
Sara Luna
Hiné Mizushima
The Obanoth
Greg Olijnyk
Joel Daniel Phillips
Rose Sanderson
Lisa Waud
Chris Weller
Anna Wilson
Diana Yevtukh
Jeff Zimmermann
Martha Zmpounou