Cover featuring Grant Haffner (Feature Interview)
Cover featuring Grant Haffner (Feature Interview)

Congratulations to the following artists selected by our guest curators The TAX Collection for issue #21:

Ginnie Baer

Carly Bodnar

Vincent Chung

Allan Saint Denis

Sophie Derrick

Caitlyn Rose Doran

Teresa Escobar

Caroline Estelle

Ian Fisher

Tim Gatenby

Amber Hart

Julia Haw

Courtney Heather

Juliana Hyrri

Xuefei Ji

Laurence Jones

Danielle Klebes

Chris Klein

Kunal Kohli

Danyelle Lakin

Roman Manikhin

Svitlana Martynjuk

Jake McCauley

Noelle Phares

Vivian Rashotte

Colin Roberts

Buket Savci

Travis Leroy Southworth

Erin Titus

Sally West

About the Guest Curators: TAX Collection

The TAX Collection is a multimedia platform dedicated to exposing the world to today's most inspiring artists and creatives. By creating space not only in the digital world, but also the physical, we act as a catalyst for collaboration and communication between artists, their audiences, and collectors. Through exhibitions, diverse projects, and publications, we maintain our commitment to the support and promotion of the artist - for the sake of the art. Without the 'artist' there would be no 'art'.

The TAX Collection was created in 2015 by Max Berman and Tanner Steslow out of a spirit of recognition for emerging artists and a new generation of creatives working across digital and physical mediums. Since our inception, the platform quickly gained a large following and blossomed into a community of artists and their fans, galleries, and collectors, from all corners of the world under the common cause of empowering the artist and championing freedom of expression. We hope you join us in our exploration of the ever-inspiring phenomenon that is art.

The expected release for this issue is mid-August 2020, and we can't wait to see this edition come to life! Stay tuned for full issue contents and pre-sale details.

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted their work in support of our platform for emerging artists. We are proud of our community.