Painting by Amy Webb


Amy Webb received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting in May of 2022 from the University of Mississippi. Having been an artist since childhood, she is motivated to share her work as well as create platforms for other artists to share as well. She co-organizes Quasar, a multidisciplinary arts nonprofit in the city of Oxford, MS where she lives and creates.  


My work focuses on the grounding environments found in daily life. These are spaces that help one stay centered in themselves, where rest and recovery can happen. There are elements of the home in all of my paintings that are familiar and recognizable to nearly everyone. I want these to serve as an invitation to reflect on the relationships we have with our living spaces; how we personalize and create comfort within them.  

I create scenes from the home and other familiar moments, steeped in an almost surreal feeling of presence and solitude. This is represented by dramatic, unnatural palette choices and an emphasis on the shape of light. I want to capture how drastically different scenes can arise in the same space as light shifts throughout the day and into the night.

Painting by Amy Webb

What initially compelled you to create your work?

Having a lot of solitude around Covid lockdown allowed me to spend more time being bored, tolerating boredom, and just letting myself seep into my surroundings. I began to think more about what a privilege being bored in my living space is. I also contemplated how we identify with and customize our environments. That's mostly what lead me to painting interiors.

What main topic does your art address and why?

My interiors have a lot to deal with presence, solitude, and how it can almost feel surreal or unnatural to quiet the mind and just exist in a living space if one isn't accustomed to it. As someone with ADHD and a screen-addiction, it can feel awkward to be present and undistracted. Painting allows me to feel focused, so it was a fitting medium to cover these topics while exercising more mindfulness.

Painting by Amy Webb

In your artistic journey what has been the most challenging point thus far?

Maintaining creative momentum post-graduation amidst many big life changes has been tough, but I remain optimistic that I'll find a flow again soon. I have so many ideas while I'm in this "limbo" state in-between apartments and studios, I'm almost overwhelmed and don't know where to start once I do get settled. In the meantime, sketchbooks are my best friend, I'll focus on recording new ideas.

Is there an aspect of your life that especially impacts your practice?

ADHD can sometimes be a battle for peace and quiet. As I said earlier, presence/mindfulness can feel difficult to attain and awkward to experience. When I'm taking good care of myself, I can see the beauty in it more, and it helps me stay more motivated to make art that expresses that.  

What do you do when you find yourself at a creative block?

General self-care: long walks, long baths, taking my time, writing, reconnecting with loved ones. All of these things can help me feel more grounded and confident in what I want to say.

Painting by Amy Webb
Painting by Amy Webb
Painting by Amy Webb
Painting by Amy Webb
Painting by Amy Webb
Painting by Amy Webb