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Short Bio

Giova Brusa is a self-taught artist born in Colombia in 1973. The needle and thread only found her when she was 37 and they have been inseparable ever since. She uses her memories, old fabrics, words and things she finds on the street to create her work.

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Artist Statement

My works is mostly about the repetition of shapes, words and themes. I work through my childhood traumas and emotions and create either abstract or narrative textile pieces that hint at an inner turmoil.

My aim is to be subtle about all those memories, I want to give the viewer a hint, a glimpse, not the entire story.  In the process of making any piece I try to release whatever it was that triggered the memory, in a way it is like visiting a therapist, you don’t get everything out on your first visit. That’s why working in series is so important to me.

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