
Based in Austin, Texas, Frank Trocino arrived at his career as an artist after several unexpected detours. Trocino first set his sights on a career in architecture. Even at a young age, his favorite toys were Lincoln Logs, American Bricks, and an Erector set. Trocino achieved his goals, working as an architect for the first decades of his career. He recalls the satisfaction that came with the drawing and presentation of designs, and in identifying the beauty of a well-executed set of construction documents.

But a departure from the world of architecture and a series of misfortunes coupled with some bad decisions led to the collapse of everything Trocino had accomplished. At the age of 45, he lost it all: his wife, his house, and his business. Starting over again was a daunting task . This is when Trocino turned to art. He knew that painting—a lifelong hobby—was a direction he needed to follow.

With all his belongings in three suitcases, he moved to Saudi Arabia. Working as an architect by day, he used his off-hours to develop his art practice. “There is a lot of idle time in Saudi Arabia,” Trocino explains. “No dating, no movies, no parties, no alcohol, and few recreational activities.”

Upon returning to the U.S., Trocino made his way to Texas (via Portland, Oregon), and now focuses on art full-time. Many of his paintings focus on the built environment, returning him to his early love of architecture.

Artist Statement

I define my style as mid-century pop cubism. I paint couples because I find myself reflecting on what is important, especially in these challenging times of isolation and uncertainty. But my couples work is really about epic fantasy: the layering and depth of emotion and tension.