
Little Stone Studio

Petroula is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Athens. She is an independent creator, mainly working digitally. Petroula's artwork is signed under the name Little Stone, which is a playful translation of the actual name. 

Petroula has a complex background with studies in decoration, industrial design and theatre. She is self-taught in graphic design and after having health problems that forced her to stay at home, she rediscovered the beauty of drawing and expressing thoughts and feelings. 

She likes exploring vibrant colours and creating narratives through simple shapes and natural texture details. Body and nature elements are used in a way to reveal beauty, simplicity and joy. Petroula believes that all bodies and creatures are beautiful within their imperfections.

“Colors give me so good vibes. Most of the time my sketches are very rough. I can't hold on to the joy of adding colour. When people feel reach deep feelings while looking at my artwork that is a moment of fulfilment.”


Original Art by Petroula Lamprinakou

When did you realize you wanted to pursue art professionally?

My journey to a professional art career was a bit like navigating through chaos – in a fun way! It all began during my studies in Interior Design, where I found myself drawn to a multitude of creative outlets, including graphic design, scenography, and acting. This curiosity led me to explore set design and acting classes alongside my self-guided exploration of graphic design.

The chaos intensified during the Erasmus program in Berlin where I studied Industrial Design. In every new endeavor, my mind would start entertaining the idea of a different career path. Maybe I should become an industrial designer? Perhaps the theatre is where I truly belong? Graphic design also had its undeniable appeal...

After four years in university, I reached a turning point, realizing that interior design wasn't my true calling. The prospect of long, multi-year projects didn't align with my creative spirit. Plus, there was a stark reality in Greece that made industrial design an unattainable dream.

Then, I had a heart-to-heart with the little child inside me, and it whispered – I wanted to become an actor more than anything. So, you might wonder, why did I choose to become an illustrator instead? Well, life threw me a curveball. As I pursued acting with determination, my health took a nosedive, leaving me confined at home.

Amidst this challenging period, something wonderful happened. I rediscovered my love for drawing, and it became a lifeline. It allowed me to escape the confines of my circumstances and express my creativity.

In this unexpected turn of events, I came to realize that there isn't just one set path for everyone. Life is a journey, not a destination. During that journey, I discovered my path as an illustrator and graphic designer.

Original Art by Petroula Lamprinakou  

Whether fellow artist or friend, who has continued to inspire your work?

I draw inspiration from a diverse array of artists, spanning from contemporary to classical art styles. However, I would like to pay tribute to Willian Santiago, the artist who served as my first illustration teacher and continues to inspire me. Even after his unexpected loss, I find that his work and teachings remain a source of inspiration that I can still believe in.

What do you enjoy exploring through your art?

I find great pleasure in exploring the grace of the human body and the wonders of the natural world, aiming to uncover stories that unveil beauty, simplicity, and the sheer delight of existence.  

Original Art by Petroula Lamprinakou 

Looking back, what advice do you wish you could give your younger self?

If answers were like colors, I would tell my younger self to keep all those vibrant palettes in their heart, trust their inner voice, and never forget what truly brought them joy in their childhood.

What is one thing you hope your audience walks away with after experiencing/viewing your work?

One thing I hope my audience takes away after experiencing my work is a sense of connection and inspiration. I aim to evoke emotions and spark a sense of wonder, inviting viewers to engage with the world in a new light, and allowing them to find beauty and meaning in the simplest of moments.

Original Art by Petroula Lamprinakou 
Petroula Lamprinakou