
Texas-based artist Lauren Lewchuk is a self-taught creative inspired by nature. She has 14 years of experience in various creative fields including graphic design, screen-printing, faux finishes, scenic art, prop fabrication, and mural painting.

Lewchuk works with acrylics, spray paint, and digital mediums; and her work ranges from small-scale paintings on wood and metal to large-scale murals as large as 2000 square feet. She creates detailed and elaborate compositions that are heavily inspired by nature, specifically micro-organisms and nature macro-photography. Use of color, movement, flow, patterns and repetition are important visual elements in her work that symbolize underlying themes having to do with mental states of being, identity, societal expectations, personal boundaries, spirituality, and existentialism.

Since her emergence as an artist in 2019, Lewchuk has been selected to participate in several exhibitions throughout Dallas/Fort Worth. Her painting “Galaxsea” won First Place at the Precious Metals Exhibition with Texas Visual Arts Association in 2019; in 2020 “Oceanic” was selected as a gallery pick for the New Texas Talent Exhibition with Craighead Green Gallery; and this year, Lewchuk’s painting “Protection” won First Place at the Mayfest Emerging Artist Competition with Art Tooth in Fort Worth, Texas. Also during the last couple years, Lewchuk has designed and painted 6 large-scale murals and she designed an exclusive fabric collection with Joann Stores.

Original Art by Lauren Lewchuk


I have always been an admirer of the natural world. The shapes, colors, patterns, and textures. My art is a meticulous arrangement of all these components, like a puzzle. My process is unplanned yet logical and sophisticated, a natural flow of consciousness full of color, organic shapes, and movement inspired by nature. My hope is for the viewer to get lost in my dreamlike worlds; that they spark wonder, curiosity, and contemplation.  

Instagram: @art_by_lewchuk


When did you realize you wanted to pursue art professionally?

I’ve always been creative since I was a child, and it was pretty much always my dream to be a professional artist. However, like many other people, I started to believe that it wasn't possible, so it just stayed a dream for a long time. After many years of being completely unfulfilled with my jobs after college, I decided to start showing my work in markets and festivals, and I started getting to know other artists in my area who helped me figure out navigating the art scene here in Dallas. Since then, I have participated in many gallery shows, I’ve painted several large-scale murals, and I even designed an exclusive fabric collection for Joann Stores.

Original Art by Lauren Lewchuk

Whether fellow artist or friend, who has continued to inspire your work?

There are countless inspirations in my art community here in Dallas. I feel like I wouldn't have accomplished as much as I have in these last few years without the encouragement, insight, and support from my fellow creatives in my community. It’s great being around dozens of artists who are consistently making an effort to follow their dreams… Being able to see their progress and watching them succeed is a constant encouragement. It helps to see what’s possible.

What do you enjoy exploring through your art?

I often work intuitively so I feel like in some way every piece is an exploration in itself… something that I am creating and exploring as I go without having a plan. Sometimes I start off with a basic idea just to get started, or I’ll make several random marks and go from there, but I have no idea how the work is going to end up a lot of the time.  

I also enjoy exploring different mediums and subject matter, even though most of my subject matter involves some aspect of nature. It’s also interesting to see how my work has evolved over the last decade or so and to notice what changes and what stays the same.

Looking back, what advice do you wish you could give your younger self?

The main advice I’d give to my younger self is to not give up on the things that are most important to me, and to not let other people make me believe I can’t accomplish my goals. Persistence, determination, and a little stubbornness can go a long way.

Original Art by Lauren Lewchuk

What is one thing you hope your audience walks away with after experiencing/viewing your work?

I hope that when people view my work, they don’t just see something pretty and decorative… I hope they appreciate the level of detail, the balance in the elaborate compositions, the constant flow and movement that keep their eyes wandering… My work is a meditative and often intuitive process for me but also very strategic and intentional. My subject matter revolves around existential and big picture concepts like the beginning of life and space and time… down to the tiniest particles that make us what we are. I like to incorporate elements of all these things into my work. I see each piece as an explosion of life, new and imaginary worlds, worlds that are constantly growing, evolving and thriving.

Lauren Lewchuk