
Kyle graduated with a BFA from the Art Institute of Atlanta in 2004. His focus in school was computer animation, but not long after graduating, he realized his passion was instead in fine art. Working at an art supply store helped fuel his desire to paint, and he established relationships with local artists in the process. During his time in Atlanta, Kyle participated in shows at various fine art galleries, as well as other shows throughout the southeast. In 2010 he joined a group of working professional artists to further his education in the fine art world. Kyle moved to Seattle in 2014 where he continues to make mixed media paintings and other abstract works.

Original Art by Kyle Goderwis


“I’ve always been excited by bright colors and the combination of different materials. A piece torn from a sketchbook for a collage piece. Resin coated acrylic paint or adding that final pencil mark to make a painting complete. I think it comes from working at an art supply store after college. I was introduced to so many paints and materials, and I was able to try them all. I like mixing different mediums while trying new techniques, and I like to make my work bold and lighthearted. I’m drawn to pinks, yellows, and bright colors. I want people to be engaged by my work and enjoy the final piece as much as I enjoy the process.”


When did you realize you wanted to pursue art professionally?

From an early age, I knew I wanted to be some type artist when I grew up. When I was young, I would use my parent's VHS camcorder and make movies with my Legos and action figures. I would write out these elaborate storylines and film it all over the house. Then I became fascinated with the 3D animation movies that started coming out. I wanted to learn how to make those characters and effects on a computer, so I went to college to learn how. It was cool learning the animation techniques, but after I graduated, I realized I was more interested in the physical forms of art and not so much the digital.

Original Art by Kyle Goderwis


Whether fellow artist or friend, who has continued to inspire your work?

There's a handful of artists who I've become friends with on Instagram that I've found their journey inspirational. These are people who in my opinion have now "made it" as an artist, but started out just like I did. I like to see how their journey and artwork progressed over the years. I find it interesting to look through their images and see if I can spot that ‘aha’ moment where it looked like they really found their vision, that you can still see in their work now.

What do you enjoy exploring through your art?

I like exploring new ways to evolve a series or concept. For a very long time, I would just paint whatever. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it felt like it lacked focus. I like the challenge of developing a series, and seeing how many different ways I can tell that story. Changing the colors, the size, the composition, the substrate, but still using that same core concept that your audience can recognize as your work.  

Looking back, what advice do you wish you could give your younger self?

Patience, patience, patience. I still have to constantly remind myself of this now. It's easy to think that if you make a painting today, and because it's so awesome, the gallery wants it tomorrow. And then it sells the next day. Great. That's how it works lol. I've definitely realized that it is a slow and steady journey, but each step of the way can lead you to the next place you want to be. So, keep making the work, keep making the connections, and just enjoy the ride.  

What is one thing you hope your audience walks away with after experiencing/viewing your work?

I really hope the audience liked it. When it comes to my artwork, it really is that simple to me. I'm not trying to change lives; I just want to make art that people think is cool.  

Original Art by Kyle Goderwis
Kyle Goderwis