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I lived in the depths of the redwood forests for half of my life, secluded and isolated as the only black girl in my school, to the Big island of Hawaii out in the middle of the sea to experience a similar, yet completely different world. It wasn’t until I made it to Oakland, California that I was able to tap into this energy of the Divine Feminine.

This feminine energy looks like righteous self love for my body, along with my soul: whether I’m doing my hair in the mirror, cooking, or engaged in erotic acts. It’s taken me a long time to tend to the soil of my essence, to connect, find out what my needs are. I have asked myself what I may be lacking, what things do I need to get rid of, get more of, or tend to to grow the life-fulfilling essence of divinity. Being divine is first being aware of who you are at your core. For me, I have found myself again by dredging through the dark, mucky parts—not only to observe it, but also to clear it out by acknowledging all that has collected on my spirit through my life, expressing my suppressed sorrows and lost dreams out loud to myself or those I felt needed to hear it. To say the journey has been simple cheapens the immense pressure and pain that has been pushed out through my spirit into the power of radical honesty and acceptance. My art reflects my soul; where once I felt alone, I’ve found the only being I truly needed to unite with was my own self. When I met and accepted myself without all the extra weight of the world, love began to flourish at my core.

It now manifests in my art, effortlessly.

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