
An ecological consciousness lies close to the heart of California native Dyanna Dimick. While studying sculpture in college, her interest in found materials grew. Dyanna uses everyday goods to explore the complicated human relationship with the natural world.

Dyanna's process starts well before a blank canvas. She collects material from her surroundings to keep her attuned to her environment. Dyanna utilizes and appreciates the aesthetic value in these goods. We tune out thousands of objects around us because we don't have a current need or they don't seem important. Sun bleached plastic, the inside of an envelope, these materials are the foundation for Dyanna's process.

Acutely conscious of the consumerism cycle and its impact on our environment, Dyanna would rather scavenge for her eclectic materials than buy them. She hopes to encourage others to use what they have around them. Making work with discarded product goods that already exist in the world is where her creativity starts and where she challenges her own consumerism habits. She also hopes, in future years, her work will remind the viewer of consumer goods from the past, like a visual archive.

Dyanna's aesthetic often makes light of situations and issues we obsess over, don't want to face or feel overwhelmed by, such as climate change, vanity and societal formed habits and norms. She hopes to spark awareness and mindfulness.

