From the intense, diverse energy of New York, Debra creates powerful narrative works drawn from her imagination. Her work is bold, whimsical, colorful and symbolic. Her color palette is inspired by the intense light of the southern hemisphere of her youth. Under vivid blue skies, nature’s colors pulsate with life. She is drawn to the unnatural juxtaposition of images and fantasy. Whimsy is often expressed through symbolic use of native birds. If studied closer these become the energy, the clue as to the tone of the narrative. Debra uses the exotic floral natives, like the Waratah, morphed with the human form to create haunting yet striking images.
Originally from Sydney, Australia, she grew up a bare foot youth exploring nature in all its' forms. A pencil or paintbrush her voice. Debra then went on to study life drawing and portraiture at The Paddington Art School in Sydney. Her fascination with the figure combined with her passion for dance led to dynamic figurative pieces where the subject almost leaps off the canvas.
Executed in oil on canvas her stimulating symbolic paintings are rich with vibrant color. Early in her career she took to travel overseas, settling for a year in Mexico to devote to her art. Around that time her work became infused with an almost decorative carnival quality. This led to paintings now held in private collections internationally.
My portrait series was created in reaction to being unable to travel safely back to Australia to visit loved ones. The subjects are hidden from view, offering up large bouquets of native Australian flora. A native bird sits, whimsical in expression, somewhere in the composition. It is the way often of hiding sadness with humor.