Artist Bio & Statement:

Deborah studied sculpture from the live model in clay and bronze at RISD, although she credits her figure painting progress to holding her own studio life classes. A guiding light has been the teaching advice from the master gleaned from her well-loved Charles Merrill Mount biography of John Singer Sargent.  

The Portrait Society and her love of Nelson Shanks’ work led her to Studio Incamminati in Pennsylvania for a workshop with artists Jeff Hein, Ricky Mujica and Natalie Italiano. Deborah is a NRA member of THE SCNY, a juried member of The CLWAC, a member of the North River Arts Society, and has won awards from The Cape Cod Art Center, Cape Cod Cultural Center, North River Arts Society and from the CLWAC at The Salmagundi Club.

Deborah describes the reflective feminine experience in her figurative work which shows her love of vintage costume and most recently, the Japanese kimono. Her subjects move from darkness into light, hinting at what will be.

Peonies and White Silk by Deborah Beth Macy
Scarlet and Silver by Deborah Beth Macy