
Andrew Lyman was born in Dallas in 1991, and now lives and paints in New Orleans. He will begin an MFA program at Boston University this year.

Artist Statement

In highly developed countries today, there is a widespread alienation and loneliness that engenders fear and distrust, a restrictive self-righteousness of thought and a dread of what-comes-next that has created broken societies. This can be traced back to a number of factors: racial discrimination and fear of fading privilege, growing wealth gaps, an increasingly inhospitable natural world, technological advancement surpassing our capacity to adjust, etc. In any case, the very air now feels tinged with a sense of unease, and people are turning to unsavory and dangerous means to renew their sense of faith and interconnectivity. To describe this rising epidemic of estrangement, my paintings take from a number of sources, photographic and imagined, to create fractured narratives surrounding characters who appear threatened in their environments, who turn away from them only to find outside something more enigmatic still.