
Andrea Lewicki (b. 1974) is an award-winning abstract artist. Insulated from traditional art for most of her life, her childhood was spent in a rural and defunct retirement community in northeastern Arizona surrounded by miles of dusty desert horizons, her mother's Mexican heritage, and her father's hot rod cars. A love of industrial grit and persistent curiosity led to an initial career in chemical engineering. Later, she found a more natural home in abstract art, which she describes as "a place where nothing is obvious, straight-on, or predictably duplicated." The most understood she has ever felt was when standing before Bleu II by Joan Miró in Paris.

After years of traffic and urban sprawl, Lewicki returned to rural life at the edge of Western Washington’s Snoqualmie Valley. She is an aspiring studio hermit.

Artist Statement

My studio practice is aimed at releasing structure. Reinvention through unattachment is a common theme. I work in a rhythm between convergence and divergence, creating visual language, then deliberately interrupting or breaking it until the piece is no longer about me making sense of my own world.

The art I produce is multi-generational in that it begins with abstract paintings I will later scrap into several series of collage and assemblage pieces. I enjoy the physical, mechanical nature of making art, preferring scrapers to brushes for painting and visible construction methods such as sewing for collage or assemblage.

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