
Andrea De Luigi was born and lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She got her degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires. She studied art with masters Kenneth Kemble and Guillermo Roux. De Luigi is currently a Painting MFA candidate at SCAD University. She was recipient of The Gelman Trust Endowed Scholarship, 2020. She is represented by L’Attitude Gallery in Boston, MA and by The Shayne Gallery in Montreal, Canada.

De Luigi has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions and national and international fairs, some of them are: Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Art, UK; Parallax Art Fair, London, UK; ArtExpo International, NY, USA; Kunst Odaagse Fair, Bergen, Holland; Expoart Montreal, Canada; ARWI Fair, San Juan, Puerto Rico, FIA (International Caracas Fair), Arte BA, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Metropolitan Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Museum of Latin American Art, Maldonado, Uruguay; Fundacao Memorial de America Latina, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Women’s International Conference, El Paso, Texas; Fortaleza San Juande Ulúa, Veracruz, Mexico; and the Museum of Colonia Suiza, Uruguay.

Among the awards De Luigi has received are: 1st prize Salón de Otoño Roberto Di Paolo, 2nd prize Salón Anual de Pintura Asociación Española de San Isidro, 2nd prize Salón Tarbut, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and others. She often participates in solidary events. Her work has been published in “Contemporary Masters 2010”, “Compendio de Arte Latinoamericano”, “Arte Al Día Internacional”, “Destino Arte”, “Ba Mag”, Expertos en Arte, and in national and international newspapers and magazines.


Artist Statement:

Breaking an existing structure and creating a new one seems to be the driving force behind my work. In my paintings, lines and forms fracture and repeat, images merge and blend with the background, expressing a feeling always present in me, the ephemeral quality of life. My works combine realistic imagery with abstract patterns and multiple layers of surface textures. These layers, the interaction between light and shadows, interior and exterior, convey an invitation to the viewers to experience their inner selves and emotions. As a former psychologist I have transferred my deep interest in identity and feelings into my paintings.

I work with acrylics, oils, and inks on big canvasses or wood. I love intense contrasts in hues, value, translucency, and opacity. I create complex textures with brushes, rollers, and stencils. I also work with trace monotype, relief, and collage on paper, creating printmaking hybrids, darker in mood than my work on canvas--probably coming from deeper inside of me, expressing deeper emotions.

My paintings are snapshots of life, moments held in time that capture emotions we all experience and share: fear, hope, despair, joy, pain, and the abysmal apprehension of our impending finitude.

