Born and bred in New York City, Alexis Trice has had an unrelenting obsession with drawing and painting from a very young age, and flora and fauna have always been her subject of choice. After graduating from The School of Visual Arts with a BFA in Illustration in 2004 she started focusing on painting oils. When not in front of the easel, she spends time volunteering at the invertebrate wing of the American Museum of Natural History or assisting in biology fieldwork in the Amazon and other far-off lands. Trice’s subjects often depict species within threatened environments or human-imposed factors. As well as the strife of nature in itself and its unfeeling, juxtaposed to its sentient inhabitants. She finds inspiration and admiration in wunderkammer, insects, wax anatomical studies, natural history, conjoined twins, daguerreotypes and sifting through the pages of old lithographs. The artist lives and works in Manhattan, NY.

"To the self-interested, Alexis’s paintings seem to exploit conditions of entrapment, cruelty and isolation. But the sense of exploitation falls away as the subjects become more dear to us, begging the viewer to consider what these conditions reveal about the necessity of our nature: to be free, to live without fear, and to propel ourselves into a greater, sometimes unfathomable scope of experience, however manipulative or dire. Horizons menace yet somehow beckon, reminding us where we stand in the scene: constraints serve as warnings, suffering betrays hope, and each contrivance – the better we see it – becomes urgently familiar."

See more on her website or follow the artist on Instagram






