
Our Director, Alicia Puig, recently wrote a guest post for Empty Easel on ways to invest in your art career! If you haven’t heard her podcast on the 10 FREE ways to invest in your art career, check out that first on Art & Cocktails then read her full article on Empty Easel’s website.


“You’ve probably heard the saying “you have to spend money to make money,” right? That’s not always easy to hear when you’re just starting out, having slower than normal art sales, or trying to find work, but if you are able to allocate some funds to professional development it can (and often does!) end up rewarding you with more than what you put in.

The good news is, investing in your art career doesn’t always require you to spend money. Setting aside some time to work specifically on business and administrative tasks can be incredibly helpful and yield great results.” Read the rest of the post here.

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