Liat Elbling was born in 1980. She graduated with Honors from the Department of Photography at the Minshar School of Art and has since been working full-time as an artist in Tel Aviv, Israel. A rising star in the fine art photography field, Liat's work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, among them the Haifa Museum, Ramat Gan Museum, Indie Gallery, Beztalel Academy of Art Gallery and most notably, at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art after receiving the prestigious Leon Constantiner Prize for an Israeli photographer.

Patio, 2017 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.
Patio, 2017 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.

One, Two, Three, 2015 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.
One, Two, Three, 2015 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.

Catherine Edelman Gallery in Chicago will be showing Elbling's work in an upcoming solo exhibition, which will be the Israeli artist's American debut. Proposals for Disorder opens September 8 and runs through October 28, 2017 and is being presented to coincide with the Chicago Architecture Biennial.

Untitled, 2015 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.
Untitled, 2015 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.

Tel Aviv is a place known for its rich history that is obvious when walking along the city streets. Founded in 1909, the city thrives as an architectural gem, with contemporary buildings sitting alongside Bauhaus and other modernist styles. It is here, within this high tech city, that Liat Elbling finds her inspiration. In her studio, she constructs architectural models made from wood, clay, plaster, paper and paint. These fictitious spaces, printed and painted in a singular color, are inspired by her surroundings. Working within the same tradition as James Casebere, Lori Nix and Thomas Demand, Elbling’s framed photographs create a dialogue about perception and reality.

Like many still-life photographers, Elbling cuts, tapes and assembles objects on a table, condensing or expanding the physical space through meticulous lighting. Proposals for Disorder presents 23 photographs that examine how the construction of a space can affect one's mood. A gray room can be both soothing and non-descript; red is the color of passion and danger; merlot the color of a soothing wine. In each of these scenarios, Elbling uses color to create an atmosphere that invites the viewer into a world that is as comforting as it is suspenseful. As she states, it is her desire to “return to art’s basic characteristics: perspective, light and shade, examining the relationship between two and three dimensionality, and the blending of materials, colors and textures.”

An opening reception will be held on Friday, September 8, from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. The artist will be in attendance.

Untitled (Half), 2015 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.
Untitled (Half), 2015 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.

Untitled, 2015 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.
Untitled, 2015 © Liat Elbling. Courtesy of Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago.