







Adam Friedman imaginatively reconstructs the seemingly tired subject of the western landscape and pushes it to a new level. Integrating sharp geometry, much of his work dissects the mountains into strips, creating surreal compositions of incredible perspective.

The artist turns mountainous landscapes into holographic scenes of layered pastels in his most recent body of work Avalanche. Based in Portland, his paintings reflect the majestic views of the American Northwest, but altered as if through a digital lens. This fusion of natural and digital aesthetics offers a nod towards media culture and the way it transforms our perception of the world. Each peak is ruptured through what seems like a vibrating pulse, mutating and multiplying the mountains, creating an intense rhythm individual to Friedman’s work. The conflicting lines and colours mimic television static, giving these unnatural environments an even more digital effect.

“I’m interested in how natural geologic and physical processes are relative to our political, financial, and social institutions. We use words like erosion, entropy, and climate to describe both human and terrestrial establishments. I strive to present a contemporary perspective on nature, and question what new assimilations of the wild reveal about what it presently means to be a human being.”

Friedman’s solo show Avalanche is on display at Cordesa Fine Art Gallery located in Los Angeles, CA from February 11 – March 4.